Imagine what your business would feel like if just one new real estate agent made YOU their go-to-stager for all of their listings. We can dream, right?
Well, what if you could actually position yourself to be that go-to-stager with a simple (but not easy) technique that virtually nobody is using?
During this 90-minute training, I will teach home stagers at all levels how they can build relationships with real estate agents using the latest cold-email techniques. This subject matter can help stagers connect, start conversations, and grow their businesses through real estate agent partnerships like never before.
As a branding professional who works with real estate agents, I will provide an inside track on what it takes to build relationships with these powerful home staging partners using a little-known method that gets results–without ads (sorry, Zuck).
In this session, you’ll LEARN:
The importance of brand authority and why it works.
An ad-free marketing tactic that actually works in 2021.
How to think like a real estate agent and get results as a stager.
What to do to connect and build trust with real estate agents.
Exactly what tools to use–and what not to use.
How we get 3X the average email open rate.
A proven cold-email recipe for success.